Peste 40 de oameni au fost răniţi într-un atac cu cuţitul, într-o şcoală din China

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Eight children killed and five injured after man launches knife attack at primary school, Fujian province, China - 23 Mar 2010 EIGHT CHILDREN STABBED TO DEATH IN CHINESE SCHOOL ATTACK A former doctor with a history of mental illness has stabbed eight schoolchildren to death in China. The man, identified as Zheng Minsheng, also injured a further five children during his rampage at a primary school in Fujian province, southeast China on Tuesday (23 March). The 41-year-old launched into the frenzied attack at the entrance to the Nanping City Experimental Elementary School as the children arrived for morning classes. He allegedly shouted "they won't let me live, they are driving me mad. I won't let anyone live" as he stabbed out at the waiting children. "He started to kill the first kid at the front door of the neighboring Nanping Sports Bureau, and then walked while stabbing any kid on his route. There were dozens of pupils waiting outside the door. Elder ones ran for their lives, while the low grade students were scared and became stiff at the scene and got killed. The last kid he killed ran to his knife by mistake," said an anonymous government official. He was eventually restrained by passers-by and school security guards until police arrived. Six children died at the scene with a further two dieing in hospital from their injuries. According to local media, the five who were injured are all said to be in a stable condition. The victims' ages were not immediately known, but Chinese elementary schools typically have students aged between 6 and 12. The school was closed after the incident but re-opened today (24 March) with a team of psychologists on hand to support staff and students. According to China's official news agency Zheng worked at a community clinic before resigning last ...,Image: 231012831, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
Foto: Profimedia

Cel puțin 40 de elevi şi membri ai personalului unei şcoli primare din oraşul Wuzhou, din sudul Chinei, au fost răniţi joi într-un atac cu cuţitul, transmite preza chineză de stat.

Atacul a avut loc într-o şcoală din Wuzhou, regiunea autonomă Guangxi. Poliţia l-a arestat pe suspect, un bărbat de 50 de ani care lucrează ca agent de pază în şcoala respectivă, relatează Agerpres citând presa locală.

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Printre răniţi se află directorul şcolii şi un alt agent de pază.

Imagini video postate pe reţele sociale arată copii bandajaţi care ies sau sunt scoşi afară dintr-un centru medical, în faţa căruia este adunată o mulţime.

În China, atacurile prin înjunghiere petrecute în şcoli sau grădiniţe sunt de obicei atribuite unor persoane cu tulburări psihice şi inadaptate social.

China are un regim de control strict al armelor de foc, aşa încât majoritatea atacurilor sunt întreprinse cu ajutorul cuţitelor sau al dispozitivelor explozive artizanale.

(Editor: George Costiță)

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