GALERIE FOTO. Ducesa de Sussex, prima apariţie după nuntă

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The Prince Of Wales' 70th Birthday Patronage Celebration
FOTO: Guliver/Getty Images

Harry şi Meghan au participat la primul lor eveniment oficial, după nuntă. La trei zile de când s-au căsătorit, ei au fost alături de prinţul Charles şi soţia sa, Camilla, la un garden party cu 6.000 de invitaţi, organizat la Palatul Buckingham.

De astăzi, începe o întreagă serie de evenimente dedicate prinţului Charles, pentru că moştenitorul Coroanei împlineşte anul acesta 70 de ani. Este cel mai longeviv prinţ moştenitor din istoria britanică.

The Prince Of Wales' 70th Birthday Patronage Celebration
Foto: Gulliver/Getty Images

În ceea ce o priveşte pe cea mai nouă membră a familiei regale, criticii de modă au identificat imediat modelul rochiei lui Meghan şi costul - 590 de lire sterline.  Pe de altă parte, ducesa de Sussex pare să se simtă foarte bine alături de soțul și de socrii ei. Urmăriți mai jos o galerie foto ©Guliver/GettyImages (clic pe prima imagine pentru a le viziona pe toate celelalte):

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LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 22: (L-R) Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex and guests pose for a photograph as they attend The Prince of Wales
LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 22: (L-R) Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex and guests pose for a photograph as they attend The Prince of Wales' 70th Birthday Patronage Celebration held at Buckingham Palace on May 22, 2018 in London, England. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Chris Jackson/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 22: (L-R) Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex and Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex pose with guests as they attend The Prince of Wales
LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 22: (L-R) Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex and Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex pose with guests as they attend The Prince of Wales' 70th Birthday Patronage Celebration held at Buckingham Palace on May 22, 2018 in London, England. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Chris Jackson/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 22: (L-R) Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex gives a speech next to Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex as they attend The Prince of Wales
LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 22: (L-R) Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex gives a speech next to Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex as they attend The Prince of Wales' 70th Birthday Patronage Celebration held at Buckingham Palace on May 22, 2018 in London, England. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Chris Jackson/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 22: (L-R) Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex attend The Prince of Wales
LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 22: (L-R) Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex attend The Prince of Wales' 70th Birthday Patronage Celebration held at Buckingham Palace on May 22, 2018 in London, England. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Chris Jackson/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 22: Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex attend The Prince of Wales
LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 22: Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex attend The Prince of Wales' 70th Birthday Patronage Celebration held at Buckingham Palace on May 22, 2018 in London, England. (Photo by Dominic Lipinski - Pool/Getty Images)
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FOTO: Guliver/Getty Images
LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 22: Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex attend The Prince of Wales
LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 22: Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex attend The Prince of Wales' 70th Birthday Patronage Celebration held at Buckingham Palace on May 22, 2018 in London, England. (Photo by Dominic Lipinski - Pool/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 22: (EDITORS NOTE: Retransmission of #961398570 with alternate crop.) (L-R) Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex attend The Prince of Wales
LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 22: (EDITORS NOTE: Retransmission of #961398570 with alternate crop.) (L-R) Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex attend The Prince of Wales' 70th Birthday Patronage Celebration held at Buckingham Palace on May 22, 2018 in London, England. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Chris Jackson/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 22: Meghan, Duchess of Sussex attends The Prince of Wales
LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 22: Meghan, Duchess of Sussex attends The Prince of Wales' 70th Birthday Patronage Celebration held at Buckingham Palace on May 22, 2018 in London, England. (Photo by Dominic Lipinski - Pool/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 22: Meghan, Duchess of Sussex attends The Prince of Wales
LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 22: Meghan, Duchess of Sussex attends The Prince of Wales' 70th Birthday Patronage Celebration held at Buckingham Palace on May 22, 2018 in London, England. (Photo by Dominic Lipinski - Pool/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 22: (EDITORS NOTE: Retransmission of #961424164 with alternate crop.) Meghan, Duchess of Sussex attends The Prince of Wales
LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 22: (EDITORS NOTE: Retransmission of #961424164 with alternate crop.) Meghan, Duchess of Sussex attends The Prince of Wales' 70th Birthday Patronage Celebration held at Buckingham Palace on May 22, 2018 in London, England. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Chris Jackson/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 22: Meghan, Duchess of Sussex attends The Prince of Wales
LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 22: Meghan, Duchess of Sussex attends The Prince of Wales' 70th Birthday Patronage Celebration held at Buckingham Palace on May 22, 2018 in London, England. (Photo by Dominic Lipinski - Pool/Getty Images)
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Foto: GettyImages
LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 22: Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, ring and purse detail, attends The Prince of Wales
LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 22: Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, ring and purse detail, attends The Prince of Wales' 70th Birthday Patronage Celebration held at Buckingham Palace on May 22, 2018 in London, England. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Chris Jackson/Getty Images)
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Foto: Guliver/Getty Images
WINDSOR, UNITED KINGDOM - MAY 19: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and the Duchess of Sussex depart after their wedding ceremonyat St George
WINDSOR, UNITED KINGDOM - MAY 19: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and the Duchess of Sussex depart after their wedding ceremonyat St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle on May 19, 2018 in Windsor, England. (Photo by Jane Barlow - WPA Pool/Getty Images)


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