
Romania will host for the first time the assembly of the NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs

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Foto: Profimedia

Romania will host for the first time an official assembly of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of NATO member countries, at the end of November in Bucharest.

The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) will organize on 29-30 November 2022 the reunion of the NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs. The meeting will take place at the Romanian House of Parliament, hosted by the Romanian Foreign Minster Bogdan Aurescu together with the NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, as announced on Wednesday by MAE.

Minister Bogdan Aurescu disclosed the logo of the event, which practically merges the NATO logo with the stylishly designed Triumph Arch of Bucharest.

“Proud to launch the official logo of @Nato #ForMin of #Bucharest, jointly selected with NATO Int’l Secretariat. It represents the Triumphal Arch of our Capital, symbol of RO Victory in WWI & of the 1918 Great Union. I am honored to host this mtg, the 1st after 2008 Summit. #WeAreNATO”, Aurescu wrote via twitter.

Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, Georgia, Finland, Sweden, Bosnia and Herzegovina were invited to the official assembly, as Agerpres wrote on Tuesday, citing official sources.

The reunion will host four sessions concerning the implementation of the decisions taken at the NATO summit in Madrid, also those related to the war in Ukraine, energy security and the NATO partners.

In 2008, Romania hosted the NATO summit in Bucharest.

The official assembly of NATO Foreign Affairs Ministers is to be held in April, as minister Aurescu announced.

“Excellent news after today’s meeting of the Foreign Affairs Ministers from NATO: Romania will host the official assembly of NATO Foreign Affairs Ministers on the 29th and 30th November in Bucharest. I am waiting to receive our allies in Romania, on the eastern flank, at the first reunion of Foreign Affairs Ministers of NATO hosted by Romania”, declared the head of Romanian diplomacy on Twitter.

Editor : Ștefania Vîlcu

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