Galerie Foto Mii de persoane au sărbătorit în SUA 155 de ani de la abolirea sclaviei. Statuia unui general confederat, doborâtă de manifestanţi

Data actualizării: Data publicării:
afro-americani vorbesc in public in jurul monumentului lee
Manifestanți de Juneteenth, sărbătoarea abolirii sclaviei în SUA, se adresează publicului adunat în jurul monumentului Lee pe tema victimelor ale violenței poliției. Richmond (Virginia). Foto: GettyImages

Mii de americani au marcat vineri împlinirea a 155 de ani de la "Juneteenth" (denumire în engleză formată din îmbinarea dintre cuvântul "iunie" şi 19), data abolirii sclaviei, pe fondul tensiunilor rasiale care afectează ţara, după moartea lui George Floyd, potrivit AFP, citat de Agerpres.

"Sunt o femeie de culoare, trăiesc în această ţară de 20 de ani şi mă aflu aici pentru a spune că vieţile negrilor contează, cele ale copiilor şi fraţilor mei, pentru a putea trăi într-o ţară sigură", a declarat, pentru AFP, Tabatha Bernard, 38 de ani şi originară din Trinidad şi Tobago, în imensul cortegiu de la New York.

Manifestaţii cu ocazia "Juneteenth", zi din 1865 când ultimii sclavi au fost eliberaţi la Galveston, Texas, au fost organizate în cele patru colţuri ale ţării.

La Washington, protestatarii care au denunțat "rasismul, opresiunea şi violenţele poliţiei" s-au adunat mai întâi în jurul Memorialului lui Martin Luther King, la apelul jucătorilor profesionişti din cluburile locale de baschet.

În apropierea Casei Albe, manifestaţia a fost festivă în deja cunoscutul loc de întâlnire denumit "Black Lives Matter Plaza". Sute de persoane au dansat în sunete de Go-go Music înainte de a defila pe străzile din centrul capitalei federale.

"Nu vom putea elimina toţi poliţiştii rasişti", a explicat Joshua Hager, 29 de ani, dar "vrem ca majoritatea să fie concediaţi şi să fie traşi la răspundere".

Partenera sa, Yamina BenKreira, şi-a exprimat dorinţa ca istoria afro-americanilor să fie predată mai bine pentru ca tinerii "să conştientizeze" aceste discriminări.

În ultimele săptămâni, apelurile în favoarea demontării monumentelor în amintirea soldaţilor confederaţi prezente peste tot în sudul ţării, s-au înmulţit.

La rădăcinile acestei mişcări este dezbaterea despre rasismul din America, reaprinsă de moartea lui George Floyd, un afro-american de 46 de ani, asfixiat sub genunchiul unui poliţist alb în timpul arestării sale la sfârşitul lunii mai în Minneapolis.

RICHMOND, VA - JUNE 19: Trey Songz and the organizers of the Candle light Vigil for the victims of police violence pose for picture with their feast in the air on June 19, 2020 in Richmond, United States. Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, when a Union general read orders in Galveston, Texas stating all enslaved people in Texas were free according to federal law. (Photo by Eze Amos/Getty Images)
RICHMOND, VA - JUNE 19: Trey Songz and the organizers of the Candle light Vigil for the victims of police violence pose for picture with their feast in the air on June 19, 2020 in Richmond, United States. Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, when a Union general read orders in Galveston, Texas stating all enslaved people in Texas were free according to federal law. (Photo by Eze Amos/Getty Images)

RICHMOND, VA - JUNE 19: Trey Songz and the organizers of the Candle light Vigil for the victims of police violence pose for picture with their feast in the air on June 19, 2020 in Richmond, United States. Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, when a Union general read orders in Galveston, Texas stating all enslaved people in Texas were free according to federal law. (Photo by Eze Amos/Getty Images) | Poza 1 din 6
RICHMOND, VA - JUNE 19: Trey Songz and the organizers of the Candle light Vigil for the victims of police violence pose for picture with their feast in the air on June 19, 2020 in Richmond, United States. Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, when a Union general read orders in Galveston, Texas stating all enslaved people in Texas were free according to federal law. (Photo by Eze Amos/Getty Images)
RICHMOND, VA - JUNE 19: People playing basketball by the Lee statue on June 19, 2020 in Richmond, United States. Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, when a Union general read orders in Galveston, Texas stating all enslaved people in Texas were free according to federal law. (Photo by Eze Amos/Getty Images) | Poza 2 din 6
RICHMOND, VA - JUNE 19: People playing basketball by the Lee statue on June 19, 2020 in Richmond, United States. Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, when a Union general read orders in Galveston, Texas stating all enslaved people in Texas were free according to federal law. (Photo by Eze Amos/Getty Images)
MINNEAPOLIS, MN - JUNE 19: A man carries a Black Liberation flag through a Juneteenth celebration at the memorial for George Floyd outside Cup Foods on June 19, 2020 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, when a Union general read orders in Galveston, Texas stating all enslaved people in Texas were free according to federal law. (Photo by Stephen Maturen/Getty Images) | Poza 3 din 6
MINNEAPOLIS, MN - JUNE 19: A man carries a Black Liberation flag through a Juneteenth celebration at the memorial for George Floyd outside Cup Foods on June 19, 2020 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, when a Union general read orders in Galveston, Texas stating all enslaved people in Texas were free according to federal law. (Photo by Stephen Maturen/Getty Images)
MINNEAPOLIS, MN - JUNE 19: People pray during a Juneteenth celebration near the memorial for George Floyd outside Cup Foods on June 19, 2020 in Minneapolis, United States. Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, when a Union general read orders in Galveston, Texas stating all enslaved people in Texas were free according to federal law. (Photo by Stephen Maturen/Getty Images) | Poza 4 din 6
MINNEAPOLIS, MN - JUNE 19: People pray during a Juneteenth celebration near the memorial for George Floyd outside Cup Foods on June 19, 2020 in Minneapolis, United States. Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, when a Union general read orders in Galveston, Texas stating all enslaved people in Texas were free according to federal law. (Photo by Stephen Maturen/Getty Images)
MINNEAPOLIS, MN - JUNE 19: People dance in the street as a DJ plays music during a Juneteenth celebration at the memorial site where George Floyd was killed on June 19, 2020 in Minneapolis, United States. Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, when a Union general read orders in Galveston, Texas stating all enslaved people in Texas were free according to federal law. (Photo by Stephen Maturen/Getty Images) | Poza 5 din 6
MINNEAPOLIS, MN - JUNE 19: People dance in the street as a DJ plays music during a Juneteenth celebration at the memorial site where George Floyd was killed on June 19, 2020 in Minneapolis, United States. Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, when a Union general read orders in Galveston, Texas stating all enslaved people in Texas were free according to federal law. (Photo by Stephen Maturen/Getty Images)
RICHMOND, VA - JUNE 19: Protesters march on monument avenue in Richmond Virginia to protest police violence and injustice on June 19, 2020 in Richmond, United States. Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, when a Union general read orders in Galveston, Texas stating all enslaved people in Texas were free according to federal law. (Photo by Eze Amos/Getty Images) | Poza 6 din 6
RICHMOND, VA - JUNE 19: Protesters march on monument avenue in Richmond Virginia to protest police violence and injustice on June 19, 2020 in Richmond, United States. Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, when a Union general read orders in Galveston, Texas stating all enslaved people in Texas were free according to federal law. (Photo by Eze Amos/Getty Images)

Singura statuie din Washington a unui general confederat a fost doborâtă de manifestanţi

Manifestanţi antirasism au doborât singura statuie a unui general confederat ridicată în Washington DC, potrivit imaginilor difuzate de media americane, transmite AFP, citat de Agerpres. Canalul de televiziune ABC7 News a arătat imagini cu statuia generalului sudist Albert Pike doborâtă de pe soclu cu ajutorul unei frânghii de câteva zeci de manifestanţi care scandau sloganul "Black lives matter".

Preşedintele american Donald Trump a calificat pe Twitter acest incident drept o "ruşine pentru ţara noastră". El a cerut arestarea autorilor şi a acuzat poliţia din Washington că "nu-şi face treaba, privind cum o statuie este doborâtă şi incendiată". Incidentul a avut loc la finalul manifestaţiilor de "Juneteenth".

June 20, 2020, Washington D.C, District of Columbia, U.S: The Statue of Albert Pike — the only remaining Confederate statue in Washington D.C., the capitol of the USA., was toppled by Black Lives Matter protestors around 11:00 pm near Judiciary Square on Juneteenth, an unofficial American holiday celebrated annually on the 19th of June marking the emancipation of slaves in the United States. A dozen or so Protestors spent about an hour trying to bring down the heavy statue, with newscasters filming and hundreds of police on alert in the area. First, protestors pour paint on the statue which lay on the ground, intact, and set it aflame, until police put it out and those who brought it down quickly left the area. President Trump immediately condemned the police for not intervening, while other law makers acknowledged the time was right to eradicate remnants of slavery, and the statue belongs in a museaum to teach about the history of racism. ..About a half hour later, protestors enacted a mock hanging, and lied one end of a rope around the neck of the statue, the other end around a tree, which two of them climbed. An African American protestor explained, “This is symbolic, to bring awareness to what was done historically to black people.” Police came by and very politely asked protestors to give them room to photograph the statue for their records: the dozen or so people remaining complied...Albert Pike was a Free Mason and that is why there was a statue of him erected in the nation’s capitol.,Image: 533747121, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
June 20, 2020, Washington D.C, District of Columbia, U.S: The Statue of Albert Pike — the only remaining Confederate statue in Washington D.C., the capitol of the USA., was toppled by Black Lives Matter protestors around 11:00 pm near Judiciary Square on Juneteenth, an unofficial American holiday celebrated annually on the 19th of June marking the emancipation of slaves in the United States. A dozen or so Protestors spent about an hour trying to bring down the heavy statue, with newscasters filming and hundreds of police on alert in the area. First, protestors pour paint on the statue which lay on the ground, intact, and set it aflame, until police put it out and those who brought it down quickly left the area. President Trump immediately condemned the police for not intervening, while other law makers acknowledged the time was right to eradicate remnants of slavery, and the statue belongs in a museaum to teach about the history of racism. ..About a half hour later, protestors enacted a mock hanging, and lied one end of a rope around the neck of the statue, the other end around a tree, which two of them climbed. An African American protestor explained, “This is symbolic, to bring awareness to what was done historically to black people.” Police came by and very politely asked protestors to give them room to photograph the statue for their records: the dozen or so people remaining complied...Albert Pike was a Free Mason and that is why there was a statue of him erected in the nation’s capitol.,Image: 533747121, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

June 20, 2020, Washington D.C, District of Columbia, U.S: The Statue of Albert Pike — the only remaining Confederate statue in Washington D.C., the capitol of the USA., was toppled by Black Lives Matter protestors around 11:00 pm near Judiciary Square on Juneteenth, an unofficial American holiday celebrated annually on the 19th of June marking the emancipation of slaves in the United States. A dozen or so Protestors spent about an hour trying to bring down the heavy statue, with newscasters filming and hundreds of police on alert in the area. First, protestors pour paint on the statue which lay on the ground, intact, and set it aflame, until police put it out and those who brought it down quickly left the area. President Trump immediately condemned the police for not intervening, while other law makers acknowledged the time was right to eradicate remnants of slavery, and the statue belongs in a museaum to teach about the history of racism. ..About a half hour later, protestors enacted a mock hanging, and lied one end of a rope around the neck of the statue, the other end around a tree, which two of them climbed. An African American protestor explained, “This is symbolic, to bring awareness to what was done historically to black people.” Police came by and very politely asked protestors to give them room to photograph the statue for their records: the dozen or so people remaining complied...Albert Pike was a Free Mason and that is why there was a statue of him erected in the nation’s capitol.,Image: 533747121, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no | Poza 1 din 2
June 20, 2020, Washington D.C, District of Columbia, U.S: The Statue of Albert Pike — the only remaining Confederate statue in Washington D.C., the capitol of the USA., was toppled by Black Lives Matter protestors around 11:00 pm near Judiciary Square on Juneteenth, an unofficial American holiday celebrated annually on the 19th of June marking the emancipation of slaves in the United States. A dozen or so Protestors spent about an hour trying to bring down the heavy statue, with newscasters filming and hundreds of police on alert in the area. First, protestors pour paint on the statue which lay on the ground, intact, and set it aflame, until police put it out and those who brought it down quickly left the area. President Trump immediately condemned the police for not intervening, while other law makers acknowledged the time was right to eradicate remnants of slavery, and the statue belongs in a museaum to teach about the history of racism. ..About a half hour later, protestors enacted a mock hanging, and lied one end of a rope around the neck of the statue, the other end around a tree, which two of them climbed. An African American protestor explained, “This is symbolic, to bring awareness to what was done historically to black people.” Police came by and very politely asked protestors to give them room to photograph the statue for their records: the dozen or so people remaining complied...Albert Pike was a Free Mason and that is why there was a statue of him erected in the nation’s capitol.,Image: 533747121, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
June 20, 2020, Washington D.C, District of Columbia, U.S: The Statue of Albert Pike Ñ the only remaining Confederate statue in Washington D.C., the capitol of the USA., was toppled by Black Lives Matter protestors around 11:00 pm near Judiciary Square on Juneteenth, an unofficial American holiday celebrated annually on the 19th of June marking the emancipation of slaves in the United States. A dozen or so Protestors spent about an hour trying to bring down the heavy statue, with newscasters filming and hundreds of police on alert in the area. First, protestors pour paint on the statue which lay on the ground, intact, and set it aflame, until police put it out and those who brought it down quickly left the area. President Trump immediately condemned the police for not intervening, while other law makers acknowledged the time was right to eradicate remnants of slavery, and the statue belongs in a museaum to teach about the history of racism. ..About a half hour later, protestors enacted a mock hanging, and lied one end of a rope around the neck of the statue, the other end around a tree, which two of them climbed. An African American protestor explained, ÒThis is symbolic, to bring awareness to what was done historically to black people.Ó Police came by and very politely asked protestors to give them room to photograph the statue for their records: the dozen or so people remaining complied...Albert Pike was a Free Mason and that is why there was a statue of him erected in the nationÕs capitol.,Image: 533747510, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no | Poza 2 din 2
June 20, 2020, Washington D.C, District of Columbia, U.S: The Statue of Albert Pike Ñ the only remaining Confederate statue in Washington D.C., the capitol of the USA., was toppled by Black Lives Matter protestors around 11:00 pm near Judiciary Square on Juneteenth, an unofficial American holiday celebrated annually on the 19th of June marking the emancipation of slaves in the United States. A dozen or so Protestors spent about an hour trying to bring down the heavy statue, with newscasters filming and hundreds of police on alert in the area. First, protestors pour paint on the statue which lay on the ground, intact, and set it aflame, until police put it out and those who brought it down quickly left the area. President Trump immediately condemned the police for not intervening, while other law makers acknowledged the time was right to eradicate remnants of slavery, and the statue belongs in a museaum to teach about the history of racism. ..About a half hour later, protestors enacted a mock hanging, and lied one end of a rope around the neck of the statue, the other end around a tree, which two of them climbed. An African American protestor explained, ÒThis is symbolic, to bring awareness to what was done historically to black people.Ó Police came by and very politely asked protestors to give them room to photograph the statue for their records: the dozen or so people remaining complied...Albert Pike was a Free Mason and that is why there was a statue of him erected in the nationÕs capitol.,Image: 533747510, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

La 60 de ani după mişcarea pentru drepturi civile, minoritatea de culoare din SUA (13% din populaţie) a fost ocolită de prosperitate. Mai săracă, mai bolnavă, aceasta este subreprezentată la nivel politic şi este victima încarcerărilor în masă.

Manifestaţii uriaşe, uneori umbrite de violenţe, pentru a denunţa această situaţie au continuat după uciderea unui alt afro-american, Rayshard Brooks, la 12 iunie de către poliţia din Atlanta.

Ca şi la Minneapolis, poliţistul în cauză a fost demis şi apoi inculpat pentru crimă.

Într-un alt caz, primăria oraşului Louisville, în Kentucky, a anunţat concedierea unui poliţist implicat în moartea unei infirmiere afro-americane, Breonna Taylor, ucisă în apartamentul său în martie.

Preşedintele Donald Trump a lansat constant apeluri la "lege şi ordine".

Miliardarul republican care candidează pentru al doilea mandat îşi reia mitingurile de campanie sâmbătă la Tulsa, în Oklahoma. El a provocat indignare alegând iniţial data simbolică de 19 iunie şi a fost nevoit să îl amâne pentru a doua zi.

Oraşul este marcat de amintirea uneia dintre cele mai grave revolte rasiale din istorie, când până la 300 de afro-americani au fost masacraţi de o mulţime de albi în 1921.

De teama unor altercaţii în contextul în care peste 100.000 de persoane sunt aşteptate în comitatul cu 650.000 de locuitori, primarul a decretat stare de asediu parţială până duminică, dar preşedintele SUA a obţinut anularea acesteia.

"Distraţi-vă bine!", le-a scris el pe Twitter partizanilor săi.

Chris, un afro-american de 30 de ani, l-a luat în derâdere de preşedintele care afirmă că a făcut "foarte celebră" această sărbătoare. "Niciunul dintre partizanii săi nu poate pretinde să ignore trecutul rasist al măreţei sale Americi", a spus el.

Joe Biden, adversarul lui Trump la prezidenţialele din noiembrie, le-a transmis descendenţilor lui Harriet Tubman şi Frederick Douglass, doi foşti sclavi de culoare simboluri ale aboliţionismului, "încrederea" sa în urmărirea justiţiei rasiale în Statele Unite.

Redactor: Alexandru Costea

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