Rusia către OPEC: Puteţi obţine doar îngheţarea producţiei de petrol

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Surging Oil Industry Brings Opportunity To Rural California
TAFT, CA - JULY 21: An oil rig south of town extracts crude on July 21, 2008 in Taft, California. Hemmed in by the richest oil fields in California, the oil town of 6,700 with a stagnated economy and little room to expand has hatched an ambitious plan to annex vast expanses of land reaching eastward to Interstate 5, 18 miles away, and take over various poor unincorporated communities to triple its population to around 20,000. With the price as light sweet crude at record high prices, Chevron and other companies are scrambling to drill new wells and reopen old wells once considered unprofitable. The renewed profits for oil men of Kern County, where more than 75 percent of all the oil produced in California flows, do not directly translate increased revenue for Taft. The Taft town council wants to cash in on the new oil boom with increased tax revenues from a NASCAR track and future developments near the freeway. In an earlier oil boom era, Taft was the site of the 1910 Lakeside Gusher, the biggest oil gusher ever seen in the US, which destroyed the derrick and sent 100,000 barrels a day into a lake of crude. (Photo by David McNew/Getty Images)

Rusia şi-a reiterat disponibilitatea de a îngheţa producţia de petrol la nivel actual, argumentând că oferta sa echivalează cu o reducere, comparativ cu planurile pentru anul viitor, transmite Bloomberg, citat de

Surging Oil Industry Brings Opportunity To Rural California
FOTO: Getty Images

Plafonarea producţiei ar însemna ca Rusia să producă anul viitor cu 200.000-300.000 de barili de petrol pe zi mai puţin decât a planificat, a declarat joi ministrul rus al Energiei, Alexandr Novak.

”Asta înseamnă că o îngheţare a producţiei va fi o situaţie destul de dificilă, pentru că planurile noastre prevăd creşterea livrărilor”, a spus Novak.

Rolul Rusiei va fi esenţial în conturarea unui acord. Rusia este interesată de creşterea preţurilor, la fel ca şi noi”, a spus ministrul de stat pentru Petrol din Nigeria, Emmanuel Kachikwu.

Dacă nu va avea loc un acord pentru restricţionarea producţiei, Agenţia Internaţională pentru Energie anticipează că preţurile petrolului vor scădea în 2017.

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