Video&Foto Manifestații uriașe anti-Beijing, la Hong Kong

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Hong Kongers Protest Over China Extradition Law
Ciocniri la Hong Kong între manifestanți și forțele de ordine în urma unor proteste uriașe față de proiectul unei legi care ar putea ușura extrădările către China Foto: Guliver/Getty Images

Au fost ciocniri la Hong Kong între forțele de ordine și manifestanţi care protestau faţă de un proiect de lege ce ar extinde puterile Beijingului asupra fostei colonii britanice. Au fost răniți, de ambele părți, iar mai multe persoane au fost reținute.

Un grup de protestari care încerca să intre în clădirea Parlamentului local a fost respins în forţă de trupele speciale. Timp de şapte ore, pe principalul bulevard din Hong Kong au fost câteva sute de mii de oameni. Organizatorii spun chiar că ar fi fost mai mult de un milion. În orice caz, sunt cele mai ample mişcări de stradă din ultimii cinci ani în această regiune administrativă specială a Chinei.

Urmăriți o galerie foto cu imagini ©Guliver/GettyImages, surprinse în timpul uriașelor proteste și a incidentelor care au urmat:

HONG KONG, HONG KONG - JUNE 10: A protester is detained during a clash after a rally against the extradition law proposal at the Central Government Complex on June 10, 2019 in Hong Kong China. Over a million protesters marched in Hong Kong on Sunday against a controversial extradition bill that would allow suspected criminals to be sent to mainland China for trial as tensions escalated in recent weeks.(Photo by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images)
HONG KONG, HONG KONG - JUNE 10: A protester is detained during a clash after a rally against the extradition law proposal at the Central Government Complex on June 10, 2019 in Hong Kong China. Over a million protesters marched in Hong Kong on Sunday against a controversial extradition bill that would allow suspected criminals to be sent to mainland China for trial as tensions escalated in recent weeks.(Photo by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images)

HONG KONG, HONG KONG - JUNE 10: A protester is detained during a clash after a rally against the extradition law proposal at the Central Government Complex on June 10, 2019 in Hong Kong China. Over a million protesters marched in Hong Kong on Sunday against a controversial extradition bill that would allow suspected criminals to be sent to mainland China for trial as tensions escalated in recent weeks.(Photo by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images) | Poza 1 din 15
HONG KONG, HONG KONG - JUNE 10: A protester is detained during a clash after a rally against the extradition law proposal at the Central Government Complex on June 10, 2019 in Hong Kong China. Over a million protesters marched in Hong Kong on Sunday against a controversial extradition bill that would allow suspected criminals to be sent to mainland China for trial as tensions escalated in recent weeks.(Photo by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images)
HONG KONG - JUNE 10: Police officers charge toward protesters after a rally against the extradition law proposal at the Central Government Complex on June 10, 2019 in Hong Kong. Organizers say more than a million protesters marched on Sunday against a bill that would allow suspected criminals to be sent to mainland China for trial as tensions have escalated in recent weeks. (Photo by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images) | Poza 2 din 15
HONG KONG - JUNE 10: Police officers charge toward protesters after a rally against the extradition law proposal at the Central Government Complex on June 10, 2019 in Hong Kong. Organizers say more than a million protesters marched on Sunday against a bill that would allow suspected criminals to be sent to mainland China for trial as tensions have escalated in recent weeks. (Photo by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images)
HONG KONG - JUNE 10: Protesters move barricade during a clash at Legislative Council after a rally against the extradition law proposal at the Central Government Complex on June 10, 2019 in Hong Kong. Organizers say more than a million protesters marched on Sunday against a bill that would allow suspected criminals to be sent to mainland China for trial as tensions have escalated in recent weeks. (Photo by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images) | Poza 3 din 15
HONG KONG - JUNE 10: Protesters move barricade during a clash at Legislative Council after a rally against the extradition law proposal at the Central Government Complex on June 10, 2019 in Hong Kong. Organizers say more than a million protesters marched on Sunday against a bill that would allow suspected criminals to be sent to mainland China for trial as tensions have escalated in recent weeks. (Photo by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images)
HONG KONG, HONG KONG - JUNE 10: Protesters move a barricade during a clash at Legislative Council after a rally against the extradition law proposal at the Central Government Complex on June 10, 2019 in Hong Kong China. Over a million protesters marched in Hong Kong on Sunday against a controversial extradition bill that would allow suspected criminals to be sent to mainland China for trial as tensions escalated in recent weeks.(Photo by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images) | Poza 4 din 15
HONG KONG, HONG KONG - JUNE 10: Protesters move a barricade during a clash at Legislative Council after a rally against the extradition law proposal at the Central Government Complex on June 10, 2019 in Hong Kong China. Over a million protesters marched in Hong Kong on Sunday against a controversial extradition bill that would allow suspected criminals to be sent to mainland China for trial as tensions escalated in recent weeks.(Photo by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images)
HONG KONG, HONG KONG - JUNE 10: Protesters clash with police after a rally against the extradition law proposal at the Central Government Complex on June 10, 2019 in Hong Kong China. Over a million protesters marched in Hong Kong on Sunday against a controversial extradition bill that would allow suspected criminals to be sent to mainland China for trial as tensions escalated in recent weeks.(Photo by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images) | Poza 5 din 15
HONG KONG, HONG KONG - JUNE 10: Protesters clash with police after a rally against the extradition law proposal at the Central Government Complex on June 10, 2019 in Hong Kong China. Over a million protesters marched in Hong Kong on Sunday against a controversial extradition bill that would allow suspected criminals to be sent to mainland China for trial as tensions escalated in recent weeks.(Photo by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images)
HONG KONG - JUNE 10: Police officers charge toward protesters after a rally against the extradition law proposal at the Central Government Complex on June 10, 2019 in Hong Kong. Organizers say more than a million protesters marched on Sunday against a bill that would allow suspected criminals to be sent to mainland China for trial as tensions have escalated in recent weeks. (Photo by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images) | Poza 6 din 15
HONG KONG - JUNE 10: Police officers charge toward protesters after a rally against the extradition law proposal at the Central Government Complex on June 10, 2019 in Hong Kong. Organizers say more than a million protesters marched on Sunday against a bill that would allow suspected criminals to be sent to mainland China for trial as tensions have escalated in recent weeks. (Photo by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images)
Ciocniri la Hong Kong între manifestanți și forțele de ordine în urma unor proteste uriașe față de proiectul unei legi care ar putea ușura extrădările către China Foto: Guliver/Getty Images | Poza 7 din 15
Ciocniri la Hong Kong între manifestanți și forțele de ordine în urma unor proteste uriașe față de proiectul unei legi care ar putea ușura extrădările către China Foto: Guliver/Getty Images
HONG KONG, HONG KONG - JUNE 10: A protester faints during a clash after a rally against the extradition law proposal at the Central Government Complex on June 10, 2019 in Hong Kong China. Over a million protesters marched in Hong Kong on Sunday against a controversial extradition bill that would allow suspected criminals to be sent to mainland China for trial as tensions escalated in recent weeks.(Photo by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images) | Poza 8 din 15
HONG KONG, HONG KONG - JUNE 10: A protester faints during a clash after a rally against the extradition law proposal at the Central Government Complex on June 10, 2019 in Hong Kong China. Over a million protesters marched in Hong Kong on Sunday against a controversial extradition bill that would allow suspected criminals to be sent to mainland China for trial as tensions escalated in recent weeks.(Photo by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images)
HONG KONG, HONG KONG - JUNE 10: A protester is taken away after being injured during a clash at Legislative Council after a rally against the extradition law proposal at the Central Government Complex on June 10, 2019 in Hong Kong China. Over a million protesters marched in Hong Kong on Sunday against a controversial extradition bill that would allow suspected criminals to be sent to mainland China for trial as tensions escalated in recent weeks.(Photo by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images) | Poza 9 din 15
HONG KONG, HONG KONG - JUNE 10: A protester is taken away after being injured during a clash at Legislative Council after a rally against the extradition law proposal at the Central Government Complex on June 10, 2019 in Hong Kong China. Over a million protesters marched in Hong Kong on Sunday against a controversial extradition bill that would allow suspected criminals to be sent to mainland China for trial as tensions escalated in recent weeks.(Photo by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images)
HONG KONG, HONG KONG - JUNE 10: A police officer is injured during a clash with protesters after a rally against the extradition law proposal at the Central Government Complex on June 10, 2019 in Hong Kong China. Over a million protesters marched in Hong Kong on Sunday against a controversial extradition bill that would allow suspected criminals to be sent to mainland China for trial as tensions escalated in recent weeks.(Photo by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images) | Poza 10 din 15
HONG KONG, HONG KONG - JUNE 10: A police officer is injured during a clash with protesters after a rally against the extradition law proposal at the Central Government Complex on June 10, 2019 in Hong Kong China. Over a million protesters marched in Hong Kong on Sunday against a controversial extradition bill that would allow suspected criminals to be sent to mainland China for trial as tensions escalated in recent weeks.(Photo by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images)
HONG KONG - JUNE 10: A protester is detained during a clash after a rally against the extradition law proposal at the Central Government Complex on June 10, 2019 in Hong Kong. Organizers say more than a million protesters marched on Sunday against a bill that would allow suspected criminals to be sent to mainland China for trial as tensions have escalated in recent weeks. (Photo by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images) | Poza 11 din 15
HONG KONG - JUNE 10: A protester is detained during a clash after a rally against the extradition law proposal at the Central Government Complex on June 10, 2019 in Hong Kong. Organizers say more than a million protesters marched on Sunday against a bill that would allow suspected criminals to be sent to mainland China for trial as tensions have escalated in recent weeks. (Photo by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images)
Proteste Hong Kong Foto: Guliver/Getty Images | Poza 12 din 15
Proteste Hong Kong Foto: Guliver/Getty Images
HONG KONG - JUNE 09: Protesters hold placards and shout slogans during a rally against a controversial extradition law proposal on June 9, 2019 in Hong Kong. Organizers say more than a million protesters marched in Hong Kong on Sunday against a bill that would allow suspected criminals to be sent to mainland China for trial as tensions have escalated in recent weeks. (Photo by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images) | Poza 13 din 15
HONG KONG - JUNE 09: Protesters hold placards and shout slogans during a rally against a controversial extradition law proposal on June 9, 2019 in Hong Kong. Organizers say more than a million protesters marched in Hong Kong on Sunday against a bill that would allow suspected criminals to be sent to mainland China for trial as tensions have escalated in recent weeks. (Photo by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images)
Foto: GettyImages | Poza 14 din 15
Foto: GettyImages
HONG KONG - JUNE 09: Protesters march on a street during a rally against a controversial extradition law proposal on June 9, 2019 in Hong Kong. Organizers say more than a million protesters marched in Hong Kong on Sunday against a bill that would allow suspected criminals to be sent to mainland China for trial as tensions have escalated in recent weeks. (Photo by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images) | Poza 15 din 15
HONG KONG - JUNE 09: Protesters march on a street during a rally against a controversial extradition law proposal on June 9, 2019 in Hong Kong. Organizers say more than a million protesters marched in Hong Kong on Sunday against a bill that would allow suspected criminals to be sent to mainland China for trial as tensions have escalated in recent weeks. (Photo by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images)

Studenţi, avocaţi, oameni de afaceri, cu toţii au ieşit în stradă pentru a denunţa proiectul controversat. Acesta prevede ca guvernul din Hong Kong să extrădeze suspecţi către țări cu care nu are acorduri în acest sens, inclusiv către China. Oamenii se tem, însă, că autorităţile de la Beijing vor profita şi îi vor vâna pe oponenţii politici ai regimului.

E greu de crezut, însă, că protestele vor schimba ceva, mai ales că partidele pro-chineze deţin majoritatea în Parlamentul din Hong Kong.

Proiectul de lege a generat, însă, luna trecută, o încăierare și în Parlament între parlamentarii pro-democraţie şi alţii loiali Beijingului. Mai mulți deputați au fost răniți.

Fostă colonie britanică, Hong Kongul a revenit sub suveranitatea Chinei în 1997, după 99 de ani, și se bucură de un statut special și de autonomie. Este a patra cel mai dens populată regiune a lumii.

Proiectul de lege ar extinde puterile Beijingului asupra Hong Kongului în domeniul extrădării. Când fosta colonie britanică a revenit sub suveranitatea Chinei, în 1997, nu a fost semnat un acord de extrădare cu Beijingul de teama diferenţelor dintre sistemele lor judiciare.

Criticii proiectului de lege se tem că, de fapt, China s-ar putea folosi de acuzaţii precum evaziunea fiscală şi alte infracţiuni economice pentru a-i persecuta pe criticii din Hong Kong ai regimului.


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